Volunteer Friendship Programme IHC

We offer an online friendship program where we match a volunteer and someone with an intellectual disability so they can develop a friendship.

It is all about having fun and creating a relationship with that person.

Activities online could include playing games, watching live sports events, sessions together such as crafts, cooking or exercise – there are many ways to connect.

It is quite different from most other volunteer roles in the community as all communication and engagement is via telephone, video calls, texts or emails. It is a national programme so that means that volunteers may be matched with a friend at the other end of the country – in fact, that is the hope! We want to reach people all over Aotearoa, especially those in rural areas or smaller towns where there is no face-to-face program.

Sometimes just a chat once a week is all that is needed.

A program like this opens many opportunities for both volunteer and the person they support, including those who may have barriers to accessing specific locations for meet-ups.


The type of person we are looking for (is): 
  • People with a warm and friendly personality
  • People with a level of confidence using online communication 
  • People who are reliable and empathetic 
  • People with a level of maturity (17 years +) who can make a commitment to regular communication

We provide training and support throughout your volunteer journey with us.

This can be done: 
Business hours or after hours: 
This is suitable for: 
Organisation name: 
The skill area(s) this falls into: 

A User Account is required in order to sign up for an Opening. If you already have one then please Login. Otherwise click "Become a Volunteer" for a new account.

If you have any questions or need any additional information please give us a call on 06 391 5476.