Spring Equinox Celebration

Te whakawhitinga o te rā o kōanga/spring equinox 21st/22nd September   

This will be an early morning sunrise event with morning karakia and environmental kōrero from experts who live amongst us on what is happening in the taiao at this time of the year.

We are looking for volunteers to help in the early morning hours to serve hot & cold drinks and a light breakfast .

We also need help cleaning up afterwards, sorting recycling and composting.

This will be a very special event - join us and help to make it a safe, happy and memorable one. 


The type of person we are looking for (is): 

Those who enjoy working with a group; friendly; energetic; adaptable

This can be done: 
Business hours or after hours: 
Saturday, 21 September, 2024 - 12:00 to Sunday, 22 September, 2024 - 12:00
This is suitable for: 
Organisation name: 

A User Account is required in order to sign up for an Opening. If you already have one then please Login. Otherwise click "Become a Volunteer" for a new account.

If you have any questions or need any additional information please give us a call on 06 391 5476.