Administrative Support

Lymph Info Trust are a very small charity trying to make a difference in the lives of people with lymphatic disorders. We run public education events, social media, website and podcasts, attend GP conferences and train a therapist to work in an underserved community every year.

We are looking for a volunteer who can help us to write grants, approach sponsors and raise funds. This is an important role as we are struggling to raise the funds we need to do the work we need to do.

Lymph Info Trust is in Napier in Hawkes Bay but is a nationwide organisation.

Hours of work are flexible and will be negotiable.

The type of person we are looking for (is): 
  • Has had some experience in writing grants

  • Is confident approaching potential sponsors and talking about our organisation

  • Is interesting in seeking new ways for fund raising

  • Is keen to help out in an organisation that is making a difference to people's health
This can be done: 
Business hours or after hours: 
This is suitable for: 
Organisation name: 
The skill area(s) this falls into: 

A User Account is required in order to sign up for an Opening. If you already have one then please Login. Otherwise click "Become a Volunteer" for a new account.

If you have any questions or need any additional information please give us a call on 06 391 5476.