Assistant to Heart Health Exercise Support Group

A Heart Health exercise support group has recently started in Hastings,  and has been a great success. We are looking for a volunteer to support  the group, and hopefully take over running the group on the Heart Foundation’s behalf.

These are the tasks: 

  • Send a reminder text the evening before each session
  • Greet participants as they arrive
  • Welcome new members to the group
  • Assist the Heart Health Exercise Facilitator with the group participants
  • Assist with setting up tea/coffee/refreshments

Our group meets in Hastings on Mondays 10.00am to 12.00noon each fortnight.

The type of person we are looking for (is): 
  • Likes working with people

  • Friendly and helpful

  • Has a sense of  humour  

  • Can commit to a few hours a fortnight 

This can be done: 
Site location - city / town: 
Business hours or after hours: 
This is suitable for: 
Organisation name: 
The skill area(s) this falls into: 

A User Account is required in order to sign up for an Opening. If you already have one then please Login. Otherwise click "Become a Volunteer" for a new account.

If you have any questions or need any additional information please give us a call on 06 391 5476.