Keen Gardeners

We want volunteers to help with planting, harvesting, weeding and other garden activities.

We are group of people, sharing a laugh, showing compassion, getting to know each other while cracking on an experimental harvest.

Sometimes we are working in the blistering sun, sometimes under grey clouds, but always enjoying the work and the company.  

Whether it's harvesting sunflowers, potatoes, beans, or weeding the beetroot, gardening is the perfect opportunity to be out in the fresh air and enjoy the company of others.

We are currently looking for people who would like to work on the Autumn /Winter gardens. We have the seeds and the space... come join us! 

The type of person we are looking for (is): 
  • Physically fit

  • Willing to work as part of a team,

  • Enjoys gardening, planting, cultivating, harvesting, weeding

This can be done: 
Business hours or after hours: 
This is suitable for: 
Organisation name: 

A User Account is required in order to sign up for an Opening. If you already have one then please Login. Otherwise click "Become a Volunteer" for a new account.

If you have any questions or need any additional information please give us a call on 06 391 5476.