Orokohanga Music Trust provides free musical tuition and free use of instruments to low decile primary schools in Hawke's Bay. We currently have 270 students receiving tuition. We believe that our music programme offers a powerful tool for social change in communities who would not otherwise have this opportunity. We hold a concert once a year in the Opera House which is always a wonderful occasion for students and their whanau. Whanau and schools report very positive outcomes for the students involved in our programme. We are proud of our students, Orokohanga Music Trust and its work in our community.
We are looking for an administrative whiz to support us. We need them to attend a 2 hour meeting once a month, take minutes, circulate minutes and agendas, maintain our Sporty database, send thank you notes and receipts, liaise with donors and other supporters and generally support the Trust in it's work.
Someone who can attend a 2 hour meeting once a month, take minutes, circulate minutes and agendas, maintain our Sporty database, send thank you notes and receipts, liaise with donors and other supporters and generally support the Trust in it's work.