
Charitable purpose: 

1. Connect and provide people and community support organisations in need with essential preloved goods.

2. Educate people about sustainability by inspiring them to donate unwanted items for reuse to reduce our local landfill and carbon footprint.

3. Give used goods a new life by repairing, upcycling, or repurposing them to minimise waste.

4. Relieve poverty amongst our most vulnerable whanau and communities; and

5. Other purposes of benefit to the community.

Organisation #: 

We have openings for (a):

We are looking for an admin 3-4 hours a day, 1-3 days a week to answer the phone and book collections and deliveries.... Read more

Would you like to help Re-Source sort donations and make up parcels of essential... Read more

Our summer intern is on her way to gainful employment after some valuable hands-on experience with us for the past few... Read more