Hawke's Bay Agricultural & Pastoral Society

What we exist for: 

It is our vision to be a world class facilitator of primary sector events that enhances our heritage at a vibrant multi-purpose event venue.

Using its unique position in the Hawke’s Bay primary sector, and as a major participant in the economic development of the Hawke's Bay economy through its hosting of events, the role of the society within the context of this vision is to: ​

  • Connect Organisations and individuals in (and supporting) the primary sector, local community and visitors to accelerate the implementation of the vision.
  • Promote The Society as a solution provider throughout Hawke’s Bay and New Zealand and for the Society to be at the forefront of celebrating primary sector excellence and success.
  • Inspire The community, and the primary sector in particular, to achieve economic success and to appropriately celebrate that success.
  • Facilitate The growth of the Society through the effective implementation of the vision.
Organisation #: