National Aquarium

What we exist for: 

The National Aquarium of New Zealand is home to a wide range of saltwater, freshwater and land animal exhibits from New Zealand and around the world.

The 1.5 million litre Oceanarium showcases the varied aquatic species that exist in the adjacent Hawke Bay, including shark, stingray and other reef fish. You can journey through the Oceanarium inside our amazing underwater viewing tunnel via a 50m travelator as fish swim and feed, above and around you.

The National Aquarium of New Zealand, are always on the lookout for energetic, friendly, sensational and engaging volunteers, who are willing to donate some of their valuable time to us, our animals and guests.  Roles include exhibit guides, activity helpers, aquarium ambassadors and conservation crew.

Organisation #: 

We have openings for (a):

Would you like to help out in the National Aquarium in Napier?

This role will involve activities such as:-

These volunteers will help the aquarium in our conservation work and that of other conservation partners, this will again be periodic... Read more