Ruahine Animal Rescue

What we exist for: 

Nationwide there are huge numbers of unwanted dogs and cats. ​The Ruahine Animal Rescue is determined to offer the community a compassionate alternative service for care of animals.

​Ruahine Animal Rescue is based in Central Hawke's Bay and are a group of passionate animal lovers with past experience of animal welfare in the community. We are determined to offer the community a compassionate and humane service for care of animals.

We work alongside the Central Hawke's Bay Community to care for and rehome cats and dogs who need our love and support and long term become a registered charitable organisation.

In 2024 we rehomed 67 animals, 48 Cats/kittens, 18 dogs/puppies and even a rabbit!


  • To provide the highest level of care to every animal while they are in the care of the Ruahine Animal Rescue organisation.

  • Place displaced animals in Central Hawke’s Bay into their forever homes

  • Ensure that all animals going into foster are in approved R.A.R homes

  • Partner with local veterinary clinics to offer low-cost vet treatment for animals in R.A.R care.

  • Working with owners and community provide a safe environment for animals whose owners temporarily cannot care for their animals.

  • Be an available option for housing of animals through a natural disaster.

  • To raise funds to facilitate the achievement of our stated aims.

Organisation #: 

We have openings for (a):

Are you over 18, have time to volunteer on a regular basis and are looking to make a real difference in the lives of animals in need.... Read more